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Herbs, Snacks, Vegetables

Rocambole Garlic Popcorn

Try different flavor combinations. Olive oil with rosemary and sea salt or chile infused oil to make a pleasantly spicy batch of popcorn, this batch is made with a few bulbs of Rocambole garlic. There are many options you can try, but my favorite kind of endorsement is the clean plate testimonial.


  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Garlic Clove – sliced paper thin with a garlic slicer
  • 1/2 Cup Popcorn Kernels
  • 1 Tbsp Sea Salt – ground to a fine powder in a mortar & pestle


  1. Place a 3 quart saucepan over low heat, add the olive oil and garlic slices.
  2. Simmer the garlic slices in the oil for several minutes to allow the garlic flavor to infuse into the oil.
  3. Just as the garlic begins to turn golden, turn the heat up to medium high and add the popcorn kernels.
  4. Shake the pan to distribute them across the bottom in one even layer.
  5. Sprinkle the salt over the top and place the lid on the pan.
  6. When the kernels begin to pop, shake the pan over the flame frequently.
  7. When the popping slows, pour the popped corn into a large bowl.