Farm, Artisan
Meeting Land Farm
112 Burnt Hill Road
North Blenheim, NY
149 Goldmine Road
Schoharie County
Where to buy
Business owner
Bob & Nan Talbot
Web & Social
We raise and sell Nigerian Dwarf pedigree goats. We sell chemical free hay. We use our goat milk to make and sell natural handmade goat milk soaps, lotions, butters, and more. We use other natural locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. Many of our products can be purchased online at
You can visit these local shops that sell our products ~ Middleburgh Mercantile , 310 Main Street, Middleburgh, NY or Catskill Mountain Artisans Guild, 785 Main Street, Margaretville, NY.
Email us at or
Thanks for shopping local and supporting your local farms!
Farm Products
- Goat
- Other
- Goat milk soaps, lotions, butters, ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf baby goats, chemical free hay
Artisan Products
- Hand-blended
- Handcrafted
- Other
- Goat milk soap, lotions, butters, facial scrubs and more
Growing Practices
- All Natural
- Antibiotic-free
- Insecticide free
- No chemicals
- Non-certified Organic
- Pesticide-free
- Hay, ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats, handmade goat milk products
Activities and Services
- Mail order
- Other
- currently sold at Middleburgh Mercantile 310 Main St, Middleburgh NY or Catsguild Mountain Artisan Guild 785 Main St Margaretville, NY
Wholesale Products
goat milk soaps. Contact us with any interest.