Farm, Farm Store, Artisan
East Branch Farms
52234 NY-30
Roxbury, NY
Delaware County
Business owner
Madalyn Warren
Web & Social
Organically grown specialty produce and herbs for culinary and medicinal use. Value-added products include KIMCHI HARVEST(seasonal kimchi) and banchans. We host fermentation classes, pot luck dinners and farmstays.
Farm Products
- Botanicals
- Garlic
- Herbs
- Pickles
- Prepared Foods
- Preserved & Canned Goods
- Produce
- Vegetables
- Other
- Fermented Foods - Kimchi
Artisan Products
- Botanicals
- Preserved & Canned Goods
Growing Practices
- Foraged/Wild Caught
- Heirloom Varieties
- Insecticide free
- No chemicals
- Non-certified Organic
- Pesticide-free
- Biodynamic
Activities and Services
- Farm stay
- Farmstand