Member Event
Beef Stocker Short Course
Saturday, September 30, 2017
10:00 to 15:00
34570 State Hwy 10, Hamden, NY 13782
Raising beef stockers is an excellent opportunity to utilize pasture in summer to achieve low-cost gains. This course is designed to both help you understand how the stocker opportunity works and to teach you how to manage stockers to obtain good weight gains and hopefully make some money.
Topics include: stocker budgets, building a business plan, tax planning, leases, pasture forage management, and health protocols for success.
Cost is $100/person and $50/person from the same family or farm, which includes lunches and printed materials for all four sessions.
We have a limited number of scholarships available for Delaware CCE members or NYC Watershed Participants. If interested in a scholarship, contact Rich Toebe at [email protected] prior to registering.
Saturdays, Sept 30 and Oct 28, 2017
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Plus two additional evening dates TBD
CCE Delaware Office
34570 State Hwy 10, Hamden, NY 13782